Friday 6 September 2013

I'm Living My Dream

One of the nicest things ever is when I get emails from readers, asking about how I am doing since I quit my job and began my journey to live my dream.

I love that. I love that you care enough to ask and every time an email comes from one of you guys, I feel so incredibly blessed. Blessed that this blog has connected me to such gorgeous souls and blessed that I am indeed now living my dream.

It struck me in the past few days, that I haven't actually ever told you what I wanted to do with my life, or what I am actually doing these days.

I always laugh when people ask me how I am enjoying the quiet life and being the lady of leisure. My life is most definitely more leisurely these days, but quiet?

Far from it.

Although many think I spend my days sitting by the pool or shopping up a storm, it really is not the case. Oh sure there is stolen moments of those things in there, but the reality is I am as busy as ever. But good busy. Happy busy - if you know what I mean.

In the few months since I quit my job I have set up a Social Media Management Business - Bee Social.

I decided to use my business development skills from my old life in the corporate world to help other small to medium businesses grow and thrive. That's where my passion lies, helping others who are working their guts out to make their dream a reality too.

There is no hidden agenda like there was when I was working in the corporate world. All I want is to make myself a modest living, using the skills I have to help others whilst being there for my family and friends whenever they need me.

I am now the Social Media manager for Uberkate, and Kate is the perfect example of someone who had a dream, went for it, worked for it and made it happen.

I have also been busy setting up websites and formulating launch  & development strategies for startup businesses.

I have been indulging my love of styling and photography for various companies which basically means I get to foof around rearranging things and then photographing the crap out of them.

I am occasionally working with different brands on my blog and constantly looking at ways I can afford to spend more time on making this place of ours as awesome as it can be, and a place you want to visit whenever you can.

I'm designing printed art and other crafty bits and pieces that I hope to maybe one day sell.

I am writing for other sites and I'm writing a book about yep - you guessed it - Life, Love and the Hiccups in between.

I am baking a shitload of banana bread.

And most importantly I have been attending every damn basketball, soccer, and rugby practice and game, every Drs appointment and school event on the calender.

Honestly, I couldn't be happier.

There are always going to be those crappy days, weeks, months even. That's just life giving us little wake up call every now and then to slow down or to prioritise.

I am ALWAYS going to be a klutz with a habit of humiliating herself, that's just me and there is no point pretending I am anyone else but me.

I am ALWAYS going to be the overly emotional Pollyanna who cries when she's sad, cries when she's happy and believes in happy endings, true love, the power of laughter and that generally most people are good, kind and genuine.

I am ALWAYS going to be an anal retentive control freak who likes a tidy house and thrives on order.

I am ALWAYS going to be the one who says no to you if I my kids need me more.

I am ALWAYS going to be Martha Mudguts, with a penchant for vodka cocktails, shopping and crafty shit.

I am ALWAYS going to be the Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt and friend who will fiercely protect her cubs and pride.

I am ALWAYS and forever more going to be the first to stand up and scream "JUMP" when you (like I once did) stand on the edge of your dreams, just a little too scared to to step forward.

I will encourage you to leap, because there is nothing but truth in that old Zen saying "Leap and the Net will appear".

So that my friends in a nutshell is what I have been doing lately. I have been very lucky and blessed with very supportive people encouraging me and do I have any regrets about the changes I have made?

Not a single one!

Tell me - What's Your Dream?
Have you achieved it yet or what's holding you back?

Feel free to contact me if you are interested in Bee Social's services